Wednesday, 17 November 2010

IT Recruitment in London on the rise again

In late 2010 the IT job market seems to still have an unabated appetite for good candidates.

You would have noticed, as we did that there is a steady rise in the daily, weekly and monthly trends of job postings related to IT professionals during the last 6 to 8 months on the various job boards out there.

Certainly over the last few years there have been many redundancies in this sector, with some of these plans still playing out. Many of the people that have been in IT positions before have now changed career or started their own business or in the case of migrants have simply packed up and gone back to their birth countries or tried to follow the money elsewhere. This has led to a shrinking pool of suitable candidates in the London IT market.

Add to the depleting pool of people those that have purely left their place of employment due to better opportunities in other sectors, areas etc. and you will find that the IT recruitment market now sits with more vacancies for longer.

Since the 2001/2002 dot com bust, there has also not been much of a revival of staff training bonanzas we witnessed in the latter part of the 1990's. This means that the CVs or Resumes received for a given vacancy does not always have the right skills or as it was the case a decade ago, complete overkill of skills as candidates marked off one qualification after another.

One can speculate about the quality of candidate that gets made redundant - therefore not adding the required tallent to the pool of available candidates... but that would be wrong - or would it?

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